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What makes me an expert?

Victoria sitting at a desk working hard for her clients

I make it MY business to know YOUR business. 

I know people, but more importantly, I know your customers. I know how they think, what their pain points are, their problems, challenges and frustrations. And I also know you.  


I research, learn, and pre-empt questions, worries and obstacles that your customers face so that I can overcome, promote and sell you, your services and your products in a way that intuitively connects problems to solutions. 

Not All Copy is Equal

Adjectives and randomly constructed words on a page don’t sell you or your product. Words that connect, make you feel things, and compel you to action, do. 


I write these!

I know how to connect to your customers on a deep and empathic levelI know the formula that seeks out their needs and desires born from the 'nested identities' within your ideal customers, stirring them up with words to excite, sparking neural pathways, sending clear messages to the decision centres and making action happen.

A little more bit about me

Victoria from 'The Write Copy' sitting with her dog


List of qualifications for Victoria Hearnden

(So I'm told)

Books Victoria likes to read

When I'm not writing, I can be found making a mess in the kitchen, baking or doing some DIY job around the house... I'm quite the dab hand when it comes to demolition. 

I'm also happy as a pig in the proverbial, pottering in my garden or off for long country walks with my miniature Dachshund, Autumn in the little village of South Chailey, East Sussex, where we live. 


But most of all, I'm looking forward to creating wonderful words for you!

Victoria's Signature
Expresso's help Victoria to keep sharp whilst writing.
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