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I'm going to be a mum! But it won't affect my work, I promise!

Updated: Feb 24

Ultrasound scan picture of my baby at 10 weeks
Ultrasound scan of my baby at 10 weeks

For so long, in creating a space to build my copywriting business, I felt I needed to keep my personal life and business separate. And for most, this is an essential part of professionalism and workplace focus, but as time has passed, I've found that the two distinct parts of my life are inherently intertwined and mutually beneficial. One feeding and enhancing the other.

It's taken me a while, but I've finally discovered that I don't need to hide the reality of who I am outside of work. I don't need to pretend I am just 'work' because understanding and allowing the two to meet helps bring authenticity and honesty, and also explains the reason why I work so damn hard.

No matter how far we move from the past in how we think, treat and act towards women, there still remains a silent judgment and expectation of them/us. The pay gap still remains. Women and mums will still be passed over for promotions. Confident women will be labelled unkindly, and sexual harassment and discrimination will still go on. Thankfully, times are changing, but the road to equality is still long and enduring. 

As I've grown up and understood what feminism means, the more I am passionate about empowering women, educating men, boys, women and girls, as well as those who aren't gender-specific. Yet, I still find myself judging myself on old-fashioned and outdated standards, hiding my journey to motherhood in case people think I'm somehow incapable.

Well, today, I'm standing up confident and proud to be a woman, proud to have given everything I have to follow my dream of becoming a mum. Proud to have chosen to start a new career and follow my heart to find a job that fills me with excitement, wonder and joy every day. Proud that my own determination and self-belief will never let me fail and that my business will grow and thrive whilst I help others do the same.

So, in a small victory of sorts, and small as it may be, it feels quite big to me; I updated my LinkedIn 'about' page and told my truth to show my experience and the skills that make me a super awesome copywriter. I have the dedication and commitment any employer/client would want in a writer. So please think of me if you need someone to kick some word butt and skyrocket your brand!

Women are a force to be reckoned with; harness their strength, and great things happen. I can promise you this!

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