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Why YOUR Brand Story is important.

Everyone loves a good story, and for many years, stories were how history was recorded. Long before words, stories were told pictorially through cave drawings, passed down to generations to keep events, people, and places alive in our memories.

As time passed and we learnt to read and write, we were able to express ourselves more clearly and in ways that would stand the decomposition of time, and records, documents and books were created so that we could understand and remember days of old.

We’ve all sat through a deathly boring presentation and left without retaining much, if any, of what had been said, but if someone had told you a story, chances are you’d probably be able to remember much more.

That’s because stories are powerful.

Stories help us remember information because as we listen, our brains add detail from our imaginations, making it personal to the listener. They also help us feel connected and create emotional attachments, which help us feel less alone as we learn, understand and find similarities in shared experiences. It’s a fundamental part of what makes us human. To be connected.

This is why telling your brand story is so important. Stories provide the perfect way to explain your background, journey and reason for your business. How and when you started, why is it important to you, and what impact and connection you make to your customers when they work or buy from you.

Your story is just as important as the product or service you are selling because it builds trust, loyalty and a bond that your audience and customers can feel and relate to.

They want to feel safe that when they put their trust in you, they will be looked after, you will deliver, and you won't let them down. It ultimately goes back to cavemen times when decisions were a matter of life or death. Luckily, deciding which internet provider won’t kill you these days (although sometimes it might feel like that), but our instinctual, spidey senses are still there, sussing people out because we need to guarantee our survival and ensure we don’t get ripped off.

Tell your story with pride and share what makes you wonderfully you because people like nice people and nice stories, so if that doesn’t make for the start of a successful relationship, I don’t know what does.

So, you need to ask yourself, does your brand represent your story, your values, history, challenges and victories? Does it say? ‘Hey, I know how you feel, and I'm here to help you’. Will people think? ‘I trust this company because it's solid, dependable and plans on being around, growing and adapting to continue looking after its customers’. If it doesn’t, you’re missing out. Missing out on opportunities, customers, growth, profit and success. Let me tell your story so that it gets passed down for generations to come in the most authentic and memorable way and ensure that the words representing you are working hard, even when you're sleeping.

Book a call today to discover how we can make your great brand even better.

Tell your story authentically and memorably
The face and story behind the Brand

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